Week 33: April 15-19

 In ASL I, ASL II, Spanish I, Spanish II

Hello Families. I hope you all are enjoying our warm and sunny weather. I enjoy swimming in my spare time, so I wait for this time of year with great anticipation. I also look forward to this month because it leads up to Cinco de Mayo and students get to have some fun making piñatas. We will begin making piñatas next week in all of the Spanish classes and students will be planning their piñatas this week. Students will choose their groups today for this project and will collaborate to create a design for their piñata and identify all of the materials needed to design their creation. Typically, students use cardboard, cardboard tubes, masking tape, duct tape, packaging tape or hot glue, tissue paper or streamers, rope, clothesline or wire for the handle. Students will be responsible for bringing in their own supplies although I do have limited quantities of tissue paper and hot glue guns to share. Donations of hot glue sticks and streamers would be very much appreciated, if you have any of these items laying around at home that you are not using. Thank you in advance. After students finish their piñatas, we will have a piñata contest. The five categories for the contest include cartoon characters, video game characters, food, sports and other. Students and teachers will be invited in to judge the piñatas and the winners will have their names on the school announcements. Each class will also break open some of last years piñatas that have been stuffed with new treats and toys.

ASL 1: This week in class students completed a review of Lessons 1-25, read Chapter 3 of Train Go, Sorry and completed Lesson 26. Next week students will review Lessons 1-26, read Chapter 4 of Train Go, Sorry and complete Lesson 27.

ASL 2: This week in class students completed Country Sentences 121-125. It is always fun to hear the facts that students are able to find each week. The most popular fact this week was that there are more sheep than people in New Zealand. Students also completed Lesson 57 which leaves only 3 more lessons in the program. After that we will be working on song or book projects. Next week students will work on Country Sentences and Lesson 58.

Spanish 1: This week in class students completed Duolingo and a vocabulary page, took notes on estar with location and completed a verbal exercise on this concept. They also read about the history of piñatas,  watched a couple of videos on how to create a piñata and began planning their piñata project. Next week students will begin constructing their piñatas. They must have all materials ready to go for the project when they come in on Monday.

Spanish 2: This week in class students completed Duolingo, another page on the Imperfect Tense and a comprehension page for a video dialogue related to the vocabulary in the chapter. For the remainder of the week, students will plan their piñata projects, complete a whiteboard review writing sentences in the Imperfect and take a quiz over the chapter vocabulary. Next week students will begin constructing their piñatas. They must have all materials ready to go for the project when they come in on Monday.

Have a great rest of the week!