Week 30: March 11-15

 In ASL I, ASL II, Spanish I, Spanish II

Hello Parents and Students. We are almost to Spring Break and I hope you all have some wonderful family time planned.

ASL 1: This week in class students completed receptive fingerspelling practice and Lesson 23. They also reviewed lessons 1-22. When we return from Spring Break students will be working on Lesson 24 and will be reading a third chapter in Train Go, Sorry.

ASL 2: This week in class students signed Lesson 55 and Country Sentences 111-115. Upon their return from Spring Break they will complete Lesson 56, more Country Sentences and review lessons 31-55.

Spanish 1: This week in class students completed review for their chapter test and took the test yesterday. Students will complete a dialogue today to practice speaking phrases that have to do with school and the classroom and they will play Quizlet Live on Friday. Upon their return from Spring Break students will begin a new chapter that has to do with daily routines and they will learn to tell time in Spanish.

Spanish 2: This week in class students completed review for their chapter test and took the test yesterday. Students will complete a dialogue today to practice speaking phrases that have to do with art galleries and they will play Quizlet Live on Friday. Upon their return, students will begin a new unit and will be learning working with the imperfect tense.

Have a great Spring Break!