Week 19: December 11-15

 In ASL I, ASL II, Spanish I, Spanish II

Hello Families. Finals week has come to an end and we had a bit of fun today in classes. Some students brought board games, we played Mad Gab in ASL 2, ping-pong, cards and some students opted to draw. It was great to see the students interacting and having fun! A big thank you to all of the parents who came out for conferences. It was so nice to meet you or to see you again. You are a vital part of your children’s education and I appreciate all of  your support.

ASL 1: This week in class students signed their finals which covered Lessons 1-13. Upon their return, students will be working on Lesson 14 and will also work on some New Year’s resolutions.

ASL 2: This week in class students signed their finals which covered Lessons 31-45. When they return, they will be working on Lesson 46 and some New Year’s resolutions.

Spanish 1: This week in class students completed their finals which covered all of the chapters we have studied thus far. When students return we will begin to build vocabulary for the next chapter and will work on conjugating verbs ending in -ar. Students will continue review in albert.io and will complete some Duolingo as well. Both programs have a reading, writing, listening and speaking component. Students will also be learning about El Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos and how it is celebrated in Latin American Countries.

Spanish 2: This week in class students completed their finals which covered all of the chapters we have studied thus far. When students return we will begin to build vocabulary for the next chapter and will work on conjugating verbs in the past tense. There are two forms of the past tense in Spanish. One is called the preterit and the other is called the imperfect. Students will be learning the preterit first, which is used for completed actions. The imperfect is used for occasions without a definite beginning or end. Students will also be completing review in albert.io and will work on some Duolingo as well. Both programs have a reading, writing, listening and speaking component.

Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break. May your time with friends, family and loved ones be forever cherished.