Week 16: November 22-24

 In ASL I, ASL II, Spanish I, Spanish II

Happy Thanksgiving Families! I am thankful for so very much! My family, a roof over my head, food on my plate and a job that I love, working with some of the most amazing students ever!

ASL 1: In ASL 1 this week students learned vocabulary centered around Thanksgiving and then wrote 6 original sentences and had to sign them. Three sentences were about things that they did with their family to celebrate Thanksgiving, and three sentences about the things that they were thankful for. All of the things they were thankful for touched my heart.  Next week we will be reviewing lessons 1-13 vocabulary and we will complete Lesson 14.

ASL 2: In ASL 2 this week students learned vocabulary centered around Thanksgiving and Black Friday. They were required to write ten original sentences and then sign them by today. Five sentences were about the things that students were thankful for and the other five about the ways that they celebrate Thanksgiving. It was fun to hear about their family traditions. Next week we will be working on lesson 44 and writing and signing five more country sentences.

Spanish 1 & 2: This week in Spanish we learned Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday vocabulary words in Spanish. Students got creative and made construction paper turkeys and had to put ten sentences on ten feathers. The sentences had to be in Spanish. Five sentences were about the things that students were thankful for and five were about how they celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. Thanksgiving is called “El Día de Acción de Gracias” in Spanish. To say what we are thankful for we start with Yo estoy agradecido(a)… Next week in Spanish 1 we will wrap up our chapter and take a test. In Spanish 2 we will build vocabulary for the next chapter by making a Quizlet and creating a word wall.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!